The Best Outsourced PR Is an Inside Job

Last week we spoke with Evan Sirof, freelance #PR expert and consultant about three priorities for laying the foundation of a successful PR journey. This week we’re following up with three more PR priorities you should focus on.   [av_button label=’GIVE ME CONTENT ADVICE TODAY’ link=’’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’orange’ custom_bg=’fa8f00′ custom_font=’ffffff’ av_uid=’av-7wlpv6′]   Priority 4: Don’t Treat PR as an External Thing And here we get to one of the most pivotal pieces of advice Sirof offered: PR works best when a firm or consultant focuses as much on internal communication as they do on external outreach. When Sirof begins to work with a company, he often devotes a lot of time to internal communications. He learns how employees communicate with one another and how they think and talk about what they do. He’ll often uncover serious fissures that left unchecked, would lead to a stifled PR campaign in the long-term. Sirof looks at every aspect of how a company communicates, from how it approaches marketing to how it presents itself. He often finds companies are looking at PR in isolation. They don’t see the link between PR and company culture or branding. But for Sirof, … Continue reading The Best Outsourced PR Is an Inside Job