Your Big PR Agency Is a Person Too

In the world of tech start-ups, there’s often a suspicion of large, established firms. This makes sense – tech companies are focused on disrupting the status quo, and nothing screams status quo like a large institution. Yet, when it comes to #public relations, B2B organizations should keep an open-mind about working with recognized, full-service firms. It’s no accident that many of these firms have been around for a while and worked with many successful clients. While full-service #PR firms do come with a few drawbacks, for savvy B2B companies that know what they want out of PR, using a large agency can be immensely beneficial.   [av_button label=’GIVE ME CONTENT ADVICE TODAY’ link=’manually,′ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’orange’ custom_bg=’fa8f00′ custom_font=’ffffff’ av_uid=’av-q50p2′]   We’ve covered many aspects of the PR experience for B2B companies in our recent series of blogs. In this piece, we examine the role of full-service PR in the B2B world. Michelle McGlocklin, Vice President of Global Communications at Rimini Street, was kind enough to speak with me and shed light on why B2B companies should consider working with large PR firms and how they can get the most of the partnerships. Here are some of … Continue reading Your Big PR Agency Is a Person Too