Find the Right PR Match

In the last week’s blog we talked about what PR means for tech, and how technology companies can ensure their #PR efforts thrive. In this blog we will talk about how pick the right PR firm.   [av_button label=’GIVE ME CONTENT ADVICE TODAY’ link=’’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’orange’ custom_bg=’fa8f00′ custom_font=’ffffff’ av_uid=’av-h55q4′]   Buyer Beware Since there are PR degree programs at many educational institutions, and few barriers to entering the business, anyone can throw up a shingle and claim to be in PR. When it comes to choosing the right PR fit, you must know the landscape. Here are the types of firms you will encounter. The Lone Wolf The lone wolf PR professional is a senior PR professional who has extensive experience at firms and decides to break out on their own. Lone wolves sell their services and execute the work themselves. Having a senior PR professional on your account can be very powerful. The drawback with larger PR firms is that junior people are often executing the work. The senior people sell the relationship and oversee the juniors. Sometimes this works great and sometimes it doesn’t. With a lone wolf, you don’t have that problem. … Continue reading Find the Right PR Match