The Right Chemistry Matters: B2B Tech and PR

The old adage is that marriage takes work. Each party must navigate all of their competing desires. Successful relationships don’t just happen – they are consciously created. [av_button label=’GIVE ME CONTENT ADVICE TODAY’ link=’’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’orange’ custom_bg=’fa8f00′ custom_font=’ffffff’ av_uid=’av-7oesjd’]   The relationships between B2B companies and #PR firms operate under the same principle. PR only works if the relationship between a company and its firm is harmonious. So how can B2B companies get these relationships right? I had the chance to speak with Robin Bulanti, Principal at Kulesa Faul, Inc., a boutique PR firm with a long-track record of working with B2B companies. We covered a wide range of issues that companies need to consider in order to get the most out of PR. Get It Right Foremost among Bulanti’s advice was to ensure that your PR strategy has the right message. You must first identify your audience and then craft messaging that appeals to that audience. Don’t make your message too tailored or too broad, or you’ll end up excluding potential customers. The right message will differentiate your company. It will tell the world why your product is different, avoiding “me toos” that can … Continue reading The Right Chemistry Matters: B2B Tech and PR