Content For B2B
Technology Marketing
Technology marketers need a strong, varied, and constantly updated portfolio of content to get the message out.
Since 2003, Evolved Media has created content to meet that challenge. We are not just writers or marketers. We also have an analyst-level understanding of the world of enterprise IT. Dan Woods, our founder, is both a CTO and a Journalist. The rest of the team reflects those dual skills.
From blogs to books, we harvest the best thinking of your braintrust and use our Team Writing process to reliably create streams of content for an attractive price.
Content For B2B
Technology Marketing
Technology marketers need a strong, varied, and constantly updated portfolio of content to get the message out.
Since 2003, Evolved Media has created content to meet that challenge. We are not just writers or marketers. We also have an analyst-level understanding of the world of enterprise IT. Dan Woods, our founder, is both a CTO and a Journalist. The rest of the team reflects those dual skills.
From blogs to books, we harvest the best thinking of your braintrust and use our Team Writing process to reliably create streams of content for an attractive price.
Amazing content for all stages of the marketing process
Deep Domain Knowledge
We have created content about the most important areas of enterprise technology including:
Vertical Expertise
We know how products are used in the vertical markets that drive rapid growth:
- Manufacturing
- Financial Services
- Life Sciences
- Consumer Products
- Many other industries
Deep Domain Knowledge
We have created content about the most important areas of enterprise technology including:
- BI
- Data Science
- Cybersecurity
- Graph & Semantic Databases
- IoT
- Backup Technology
- Document Databases
- other flavors of NOSQL
Vertical Expertise
We know how products are used in the vertical markets that drive rapid growth:
- Manufacturing
- Financial Services
- Life Sciences
- Consumer Products
- Many other industries
The Key To Solving Your Content Problems
Dan Woods show you how team writing boosts creation of on-message content. While paving the way of introduction of AI. Over the last 20 years, using the Team Writing process, Evolved Media has created more than 30 books, hundreds of white papers, dozens of ebooks and infographics, and a massive amount of blogs and articles.
Who We Serve
We help Product Marketers get the deeper, sophisticated story out so the Sales, Marketing, and Product Management teams can all do their jobs.
We help Corporate Communications tell the hero story in all its forms. Executives, customers, partners, and staff are all heroes connected to the brand and product in different ways.
We provide Demand Generation with streams of educational content, the ammunition to make the marketing stack hum.
How We Work
Our Team Writing process allows us to in effect create a newsroom for you that combines your braintrust with our deep bench of skills.
Our Deep Domain Knowledge about technology and the business world enables us to help define and celebrate your products’ differentiating capabilities.
We have the Marketing Know How to craft content to meet the needs of your programs and optimize content for all forms of marketing execution.
Long Form Content explains the full story of your product so buyers can understand how it works to meet their needs.Includes:
- Books
- Long White Papers
- Custom Research
- Tech Architecture Guides
Short Form Content powers social media, PR, SEO, and demand gen with streams of topical content created by a purpose-built newsroom.
- Short white papers
- Blogs
- Thought Leadership Articles
- Social Media Posts
- Emails
- Ad Copy
Visual Content gets attention quickly, creates lasting impressions, and can be repurposed in many ways.
- Videos
- eBooks
- Infographics
- Comics
- Cartoons
- Webinars
our Work
Our work shows that we deeply understand our clients’ products, the market context, and how technology creates value. In B2B Tech, we have a lengthy history of working with satisfied advanced technology clients to create the type of content that matches the individual needs of their products.
We have produced the following content for our clients:
Wikis For Dummies
Wikis for Dummies This book, written by Dan Woods, founder of Evolved Media, and Peter Thoeny, founder of the Twiki wiki implementation,...
SAP Netweaver For Dummies
SAP Netweaver For Dummies SAP created the Netweaver platform to update its ERP platform and enable more integration and development using modern...
Modern SD-WAN for SASE For Dummies
Modern SD-WAN for SASE For Dummies A new type of network architecture is required to implement the new cybersecurity paradigms of SASE and SSE....