Who We Serve
We Know the Struggle to Communicate is Real, and Can Help

Who We Serve
We Know the Struggle to Communicate is Real, and Can Help
An Integrated Method
Our model combines our Team Writing method, deep industry expertise, and knowledge of the technology marketing process to create effective content that educates prospects about how a product addresses pain with differentiating capabilities.
Marketing Savvy
We know how product marketing, demand generation, and corporate communications departments do their jobs. Our content is on message and tuned to the needs of technology marketing programs.
Product Marketing:
We Put the Product in Content
To be effective, Product Marketing must explain how differentiating features create value. Without this, marketing is merely a parade of value claims and social proof. But to create such content, the writing team must understand the product, the market, the history, and the engineering innovations. Evolved Media’s team has the background experience and expertise to comprehend what you are learning about your product and create content that truly educates the market.

Foundation White Papers
Explain the pain, the forces driving the market, and the logic of the product.
Product Deep Dives
Provide a guided tour of the architecture and features.
Custom Research
Explore vital topics in detail through qualitative research.
Competitive Comparisons
Analyze key points of differentiation with respect to competitive products and approaches.
Demand Generation:
Compelling Stories About Your Special Sauce
B2B demand generation requires stories that deeply connect with and motivate prospects who have a need for your product. Pain and ambition drive that need. Business conditions force the issue, leading to action. Evolved Media understands B2B buyers and what motivates them. Our demand gen content tells the story of your special sauce in the context of the pain and ambition of the prospects.

Tips and Tricks
Compelling content that provides solutions to common problems.
Case Studies
Explanations of how others successfully put the product to use.
Buyer’s Guides
Guides to how to evaluate solutions.
For Dummies Books
A powerful brand for explaining topics in an accessible way.
Corporate Communications:
Content that Makes Your Stars Shine

Executive Articles
Broadcast the brilliance of your brain trust.
Thought Leadership Books
Take the lead in defining your category.
Trend Analysis
Sort out the complex issues facing your customers.
Investor-focused Content
Explain the market works and why you will win.
What we do for:

Explain differentiating product features

Fill the funnel with engaging content

Tell the hero story

Craft innovative, placeable articles

Prepare the sales staff for battle

Create a continuous content machine

Explain the technology and product vision

Capture the technology architecture