by evolvedmedia | Sep 3, 2020
Real DevOps Is Harder Than Putting Lipstick on a Pig It’s a challenge to write byline articles that get placed, and it’s a challenge to get them noticed. We have a great track record on both counts. Piston turned to us to write byline articles for Piston’s co-founder...
by evolvedmedia | Sep 3, 2020
The Hidden Real Time Computing Foundation That Is Disrupting the World How long will we wait for a page to load? For a response? In the era of mobile devices, the answer is milliseconds. Equinix wanted to showcase the behind the scenes infrastructure that drives...
by evolvedmedia | Sep 3, 2020
The Limits of Public Clouds Can the public cloud effectively host enterprise applications? This was the question SAP sought to address with an article in the Institute of Electronics and Engineers. SAP turned to us to co-write the article about why public clouds miss...
by evolvedmedia | Aug 31, 2020
Tell the Stories of Our Customers Intel had a great idea for a blog series, but no time to write the blogs. They turned to us to tell the stories of customers who use Data Center Manager to reduce energy consumption and costs in their data centers. Through our...